Wednesday, February 22, 2006

At the end of the day

This is one of those days when I am physically exhausted but still energized from within. I can say that I worked for every penny I earned today. As usual, I was having a difficult time feeling inspired in the morning. Blame it on the weather, boring breakfast of peanut butter and jelly or probably just the lack of inspiration and the fact that I have first period off. I had to pray real hard for some motivation. God answered my prayer. My classes turned out fine. As soon as I started teaching, my lethargic moods straightened up. I had etiquette lab today. Students got to practice their table manners and etiquette. Everyone was excited. The smell of the pizza kept drawing unknown students to my room. Students practiced on setting the table and eating bread, soup, salad as well as practicing the european style and american style of eating on the good 'ol pizza. Overall, this day still turned out okay despite the bleak beginnings. God just has a way of turning anything into something wonderful. We just need to ask.

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