Monday, June 06, 2005

Getting Started

Today is the birthday of this blog. I am literally a newbie to blogging. I am excited to start working on this and make it worth my time and the time of everyone who's going to drop by. I particularly intended to have this site as a source of information for my Family and Consumer Classes. This will include a lot of topics and links to resources about Child Development, Nutrition and Wellness, Family, Clothing and Textiles, Interior Decoration and Consumer Science. Feel free to send comments and suggestions. By the way, I am thanking Manang for all the help. Her work inspired me to create this.


Manang said...

Hi twinkle,

This is a great start! Can't wait to see on your links list the blogs that your students will also create as part of your teaching endeavor.

batjay said...

good luck.

i know of two filipino teachers like you who blog. i'll send their links to you.

take care!